Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Obama's Stance on Women's Rights

We were a little hard on Palin yesterday. Sorry about that. At this time, I don't make the news, I just condense it and complain about it. I'm new at this. Plus, there wasn't anything especially inflammatory about Obama yesterday. So I did a little digging, to offer the other side of the story. We all know Sarah Palin is pro-life and pro-abstinence. She supports abstinence only education, and as we saw, will literally stand between you and the hospital you're headed to for an abortion. If that's what you believe, she will be a great candidate for you.
Obama has the exact opposite idea, of course. God forbid the two parties agree on something.
From Obama's website:
Link :
Supports a Woman's Right to Choose:Barack Obama understands that abortion is a divisive issue, and respects those who disagree with him. However, he has been a consistent champion of reproductive choice and will make preserving women's rights under Roe v. Wade a priority as President. He opposes any constitutional amendment to overturn the Supreme Court's decision in that case.
Preventing Unintended Pregnancy:Barack Obama is an original co-sponsor of legislation to expand access to contraception, health information and preventive services to help reduce unintended pregnancies. Introduced in January 2007, the Prevention First Act will increase funding for family planning and comprehensive sex education that teaches both abstinence and safe sex methods. The Act will also end insurance discrimination against contraception, improve awareness about emergency contraception, and provide compassionate assistance to rape victims. (Bolding is mine)

Why did I bold that? If you read the news at all, you know Palin actually started charging rape victims for the rape kits while she was in office in Alaska.
They are very different on their stands, and if abortion is a hot topic for you, please, read ALL the facts before casting your ballot.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Palin's Stance on Abortion

Link to article -

Apparently, Sarah Palin is so opposed to abortion, she was willing to block access to a HOSPITAL that provided this service.
This is a real issue. Any one who is pro-choice, listen up. I know Republicans are "supposed" to be "Pro-Life", but if you're not, if you're a more liberal Republican, think long and hard about your choice before you put in your Ballot. Because if she gets into office, you might not have a "choice" anymore.

Palins "Pit Bull" Comment Spirals and Spins

Link to the article -

Remember Palin's quote about being a Pit bull with Lipstick? Yeah I didn't care either. She can call herself a bitch in front of the nation, whatever. Who Cares? Oh, the Pit Bull Anti-Defamation League...
Quoted from the article - "While Palin’s assertion that the only difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull was lipstick drew a loud ovation from the Republican faithful in St. Paul, it raised the ire of the Pit Bull Anti-Defamation League, a powerful association of pit bull fanciers who monitor the portrayal of pit bulls in the media. " (italics are mine)

What. The. Fuck.
Any Republican Pit Bull enthusiasts? Gonna go vote for Obama now because she made an unfavorable comparison to the dog you love? You'd better not. This is a non-issue turned into news. This doesn't matter. It's not like Palin is going to hop into office and say "I wanna be the only pit bull in town. Let's pass legislation to put the rest to sleep."
Stop being stupid. This is not news, this is fluff designed to take focus away from the things that matter.
Apparently, the members of the Pit Bull Anti-Defamation League aren't very bright though.
Quoted from the Article - "Foyler said that for pit bull owners who have grown weary of their prized dogs being defamed and mistreated, Palin’s wisecrack was the last straw: “We’re all like, first the Michael Vick thing, and now this.”
Comparing an off-handed joke to actual animal abuse? Classy.

American Spin

I hate US Politics. Absolutely hate them. I'm not sure if I like politics of other countries, mainly because I don't LIVE in other countries. I just don't like the way politics are going in America right now. I hate the spins that are put on everything that comes out of any candidates mouth. I hate the way that the "Tow the Line" so-called "News Reporters" take anything done by the other party and turn it into a declaration for war, while any missteps by their own are overlooked and silently pushed under the rug.
I hate anyone who votes for a candidate just because of the little (D) or (R) next to their name. I hate anyone who turns any non-issue, like a mispronounced word, into a reason for choosing one candidate over another without looking at where they stand on the things that matter. I hate anyone who takes the media at their word, without looking deeper into the situation. The next person who tells me "I'm voting (or not voting) for BLANK because the TV said he'd (insert promise here)." I will punch in the throat. Seriously. Look deeper.

I promise to be an unbiased view into the American Spin. Anything, done by any candidate, that pisses me off, will be posted. No one will be spared just because of a party affiliation. And trust me, I write better when I'm really, really angry.
And right now, I'm fucking outraged.